Tuesday 5 June 2012

How to increase your Internet Speed?

Today is an age of the Internet. Our every day lives are being driven by the world wide web no matter what corner of the globe we are located. Most people are online for at least 2-3 hours a day, and if you are like me who likes to spend hours browsing online, then there is no limit. You are aware of your ISP or Internet Service Provider who gives you the Internet connection. Depending on the schemes, you may be using one of the following – a 54 kbps dial-up connection, 128 kbps ISDN connection, or a 256 kbps to 2 mbps DSL connection or high speed cable broadband connection. If you are like me, you sometimes feel like your Internet is too slow whenever watching a favorite video clip on YouTube or having a video chat session with your friend. You may even consider changing your internet connection plan to another high speed one. You may not be aware of the fact that your Internet connection and your browser can be optimized to give you an ultimate experience with an enhanced browsing speed. There are many methods which can get the job done for you, but we will discuss only those which are used and proven by experts. Lets gets started with the following: First click to “Run” on the “Start” menu and type “gpedit.msc”. Hit enter and the following window will pop up.

Browsing Speed
This window is the place where the computer administer configures various desktop settings for a particular system on the network such as start menu options, desktop properties, how different programs are associated with a particular desktop, etc. If you are not on a network and using your system yourself then obviously you are the system administer for your system, and you need to go for “Local Computer Policy” which defines the desktop configuration for the current system on which the steps are being executed. So, the next thing to do is to click on the “Administrative Templates” under “Computer Configuration” option. Whatever changes you make here are directly associated with the registry settings and so you must be very much careful before making any changes. The next window will open up,

Increase Browsing Speed
You can see there are four items listed on the right panel, “Windows Component”, “System”, “Network” and “Printers”. Administrative Templates are nothing but simple text files to provide policy information for a particular item in the list. The files are stored on the system with an extension of “.adm”. There are mainly four types of .adm files available on your system, each of which is designed for specific tasks. These are – “System.adm”, “Inetres.adm”, “Wmplayer.adm” and “Conf.adm”. Now, we are interested in only “System.adm” files which are required to configure the system, the network, printers and Windows components. Among them, we are only interested in “Network” system.adm files. These system.adm files define the way a client computer connects to the network. This involves various configurations issues with DNS (Domain Name Server) and offline files. Some of them are “DNS Client”, “Network Connections”, “Offline files”, “QoS Packet Schedulers”, “SNMP”, Background Intelligent Transfer Service” and “DFS Client Settings”. We are interested in “QoS Packet Schedulers”. QoS stands for Quality of Service. This setting is used to define the priority of various applications running on your system. Based on the priority a specific application receives, bandwidth is allocated to it. Mainly QoS aware applications are considered under this setting. When you click on the “QoS Packet Scheduler” on the right panel, the followings options will show up,

Increase Browing Speed
You will see the following entry in the list, “Limit reservable bandwidth”. This option determines what percentage of your total bandwidth is reserved by the system for various system specific tasks like automatic windows update or antivirus update. You will see the entry “Not configured” under the state column i.e. the system is still using the default settings. When no settings have been specified by the local user, windows keeps 20% of the total bandwidth available for this task. It’s this 20% of your bandwidth which we are after. You have to make your system give you back this 20% bandwidth! So click on it,

Increase Browsing Speed
The above window will open up which allows you to change the default settings for this item of “QoS Packet Scheduler”. If you see that the “Not Configured” option is checked in, then check the “Enabled” option and the lower percentage selector dropdown box will be activated. Make sure you reduce it to “0%”. It’s shown in the following screenshot,

Increase Browing Speed
Now click on “Ok” and all the settings will be in effect once you restart your computer. The next time you log onto your computer, you will experience an enhanced browsing speed. This trick is mostly beneficial for users who are using lower bandwidth connections like dial-up, ISDN or DSL. They can really use this extra 20% bandwidth from their internet connection. However, if you are a high speed internet user, why do you want to let your Windows reserve a significant portion of your total bandwidth. There are always ways in which you can make use of this extra bandwidth!

Gemstones According Number

1,10,19,28 RAVI              Krutrika, Uttara,Uttarashada        Ruby
2,11,20,29 CHANDRA      Rohini, Hasta, Sravanam                Pearl
3,12,21,30 GURU              Punarvasu,Visakha,Poorabhadra        Yellow Sapphire
4,13,22,31 RAHU              Arudra, Swati, Sasatbisham                Gomed
5,14,23        BUDHA               Aselesa, Jesta,Revati                        Blue Sapphire
6,15,24        SUKRA              Bharani,Pubba,Poorvashada        Diamond
7,16,25        KETU              Aswani,Makha,Moooa                Cat's Eye
8,17,26        SANI              Pushami,Anoorada,Uttarabhadra        Blue Sapphire
9,18,27        KUJA              Chitta, Mrugasira,Dhanista                Coral

Wearing of Gem according to the Month in which they born Wearing of Gem according to the Month in which they born

From & To                Lord Of The Month Gem To Wear Finger To Wear
15th January to 15th February        Saturn Blue Sapphire Middle finger
15th February to 15th March        Saturn Blue Sapphire Middle finger
15th March to 15th April                Guru         Yellow Sapphire Point finger
15th April to 15th May  `        Kuja         Coral Ring finger
15th May to 15th June                Sukra Diamond        Ring finger
15th June to 15th July                Budha Emerlad        Little finger
15th July to 15th August                 Chandra Pearl        Ring finger
15th August to 15th September   Ravi         Ruby        Ring finger
15th September to 15th October Budha Emerlad        Little finger
15th October to 15th November Kuja         Coral        Ring finger
15th November to 15th January Guru         Yellow Sapphire Point finger

Gemstones - According To Rasi

After careful analysis and with my research how Gemstones will effect the human beings according to their respective rasi. My results show that more than 60 percent of satisfied clients reported that they are benefited with my recommendations. In this connection I suggest any person who likes to wear the Gemstone according to Rasi; I strongly recommend that the natal chart should also be considered for deriving extra benefits.


The sub Gems are Loc Onyx and Lal Hank. The color of the coral is red. It reduces the evil effects of Kuja Dosha. The suitable time for wearing the Coral is Tuesday at the time of The Lord of this rasi is Kuja. Persons belonging to this rasi have to wear Coral. Sun rise. The metal to be used is either copper or silver. After the ring is made, it has to be cleaned with pure milk.


The Lord of this rasi is Sukra. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Diamond or sub gems are Opel.The color of Diamond is white and very shining. It reduces the evil effects of Sukra and the positive ones are they will posses financial and domestic happiness. The suitable day for wearing the ring is Friday. The gem has to be purified with milk and the ring has to be made of gold metal only.


The Lord of this sign is Budha. Persons belonging to this rasi may wear Emerald and sub gems are Firoz and onyx. The gem is greenish in color. It reduces the negative effects of Budh.It helps for the development of business, peace of mind and guard the health. The suitable day for wearing the Gem is Wednesday at the time of sun rise. Before wearing the stone has to be purified with milk and water and it be made of gold metal only.


The Lord of the sign is moon. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Pearl and it is while in color. It reduces the negative effects of Chandra graha. It produces peace of mind and controls mental tension. The pearl has to be purified with pure milk and the ring has to be made of silver only. The suitable day for wearing the ring is Monday at the time of sunrise.


The Lord of the sign is Ravi. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Ruby. It reduces the negative effects of Ravi graha Dosha. It produces financial gain from father and safeguards the health of the natives' father. It produces good health. Ruby after purifying with milk and pure water, the Gen has to be made of ring with silver metal only and to be worn on ring finger on Sunday at sunrise time.


The lord of the sign is Budha. Persons belong to this sign may wear genuine Green sapphire and she sub gems are Emerald or nix. The colour of the stone is green .It reduces the negative effects of Budha and develops financial improvement and guards health. The Gen before making into ring has to be purified with milk and water and the best metal is gold. The suitable day for wearing the ring is Wednesday at Sunrise time to the little finger.

TULA RASI: The lord of the sign is Sukra. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Diamond and sub Gems are Opel,. As it is white in color and it reduces the negative effects of Sukra graha Dosham. It produces good health and immense wealth. The diamond has to be purified with milk and water and the ring has to be made of gold metal only. The suitable day for wearing the same is Friday at the time of Sun rise.


The lord of the sign is Kuja. Persons belonging to this sing may wear Coral which is of reddish in color and the sub gem is Loc Onyx. It reduces the Kuja Dosha. It drives away any negative vibrations that may come to the wearer. The Coral has be purified with milk and water and the ring has to be made of silver. The best day for wearing the same is Tuesday at the sunrise time and to wear the same to ring finger only.


The Lord of the sign is Guru. Persons belong to this sing may wear yellow sapphire and the sub gem is Topaz. It is in yellow color. It reduces the Guru graham Dosham and helps the wearer to increase financially and good progress in education. The gem has to be purified with milk and ring has to be made of gold metal only. The suitable day for wearing the same is Thursday early hours to the point finger only.


The lord of the sign is Saturn.. Persons of this sign may wear Blue sapphire and sub gem is Blue spinal. It reduces the Saturn negative effects and guards' health and wealth and increases longevity. The gem has to be purified with milk and water and the best metal for making ring is silver. The best day for wearing the ring is Saturday sunrise time and to be worn on left hand second finger.


The lord of the sign is Saturn.. Persons of this sign may wear Blue sapphire and sub gem is Blue spinal. It reduces the Saturn negative effects and guards' health and wealth and increases longevity. The gem has to be purified with milk and water and the best metal for making ring is silver. The best day for wearing the ring is Saturday sunrise time and to be worn on left hand second finger.


The lord of the sign is Guru.. Persons belonging to this sign may war yellow sapphire and sub gems are Topaz or Citrine. It is in yellow color. It reduces the negative effects of Guru Graha Dosham and increases good in business, education and spiritual affairs. The gem has to be purified with milk and water and the metal to be used to make a ring is only gold. The suitable day for wearing the same is Thursday at Sunrise time and it be worn on point finger.

Picking Gems according to Date of Birth Picking Gems according to Date of Birth

If you are born in these dates, I hereunder give the Lord of the Number and ruling Star and I recommend the gems to wear.

Bits & Bytes

A bit is the most basic unit of information. At their most fundamental level, most modern computers operate on binary bits which means that they can have two states, usually specified as a 0 or 1. Long strings of these bits can be used to represent most types of information including text, pictures and music.
Most modern computers are binary systems and therefore, they are particularly well suited to working with bits. Pure binary information is of little use to humans. The binary number 11000101110 is equivalent to 1582. We are much more suited to working with digits and text instead of ones and zeros.
To help make computers more like our language-based way of thinking, groups of bits are joined into bytes. One byte is comprised of 8 bits. A set of 8 bits was chosen because this provides 256 total possibilities which is sufficient for specifying letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation and other extended characters. This very sentence, for example is composed of 125 bytes because there are 125 letters, digits, spaces and punctuation marks.
Note: Keep in mind that we are discussing pure text; some word processing programs, include other sorts of formatting data and therefore the filesizes will be greater than the number of characters in the file.
It is estimated that a kilobyte can accommodate about 1/2 of a typewritten page. Therefore, one full page requires about 2 kilobytes. The chart below illustrates the number of bytes in common terms such as kilobyte and megabyte and how much text could be stored:

* Kilobyte (kB) » 1,024 » 1/2 page.

* Megabyte (mB) » 1,048,576 » 500 pages or 1 thick book.

* Gigabyte (gB) » 1,073,741,824 » 500,000 pages or 1,000 thick books.

** Terabyte (tB) » 1,099,511,627,776 » 1,000,000 thick books.

*** Petabyte » 1,125,899,906,842,624 » 180 Libraries of Congress.

*** Exabyte » 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 » 180 thousand Libraries of Congress.

**** Zettabyte » 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 » 180 million Libraries of Congress.

** ***Yottabyte » 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 » 180 billion Libraries of Congress.

Note: The Library of Congress in Washington D.C. is said to be the world’s largest library with over 28 million volumes. The numbers listed in the chart above are based on the assumption that the average book has 200 pages.
Most Compact Discs (CD) can hold approximately 750 megabytes (MB) which is roughly equivalent to 375,000 pages of text! DVDs can store 4.7 gigabytes (gB) or 2.3 million pages. The next generation of optical media, Blu-Ray discs, can hold an astonishing 27 gigabytes or 13.5 million pages which is roughly equivalent to the text contained in 67,500 books!

Data Measurement Chart

* Single Binary Digit (1 or 0) » Byte » 8 bits.

* Kilobyte (KB) » 1,024 Bytes » 8192 bits.

* Megabyte (MB) » 1,024 Kilobytes » 1048576 Bytes » 8388608 Bits.

* Gigabyte (GB) » 1,024 Megabytes » 1048576 KB » 1073741824 Bytes » 8589934592 Bits.

* Terabyte (TB) » 1,024 Gigabytes » 1048576 MB » 1073741824 KB » 1099511627776 Bytes » 8796093022208 Bits.

* Petabyte (PB) » 1,024 Terabytes » 1048576 GB » 1073741824 MB » 1099511627776 KB » 1125899906842624 Bytes » 9007199254740992 Bits.

* Exabyte (EB) » 1,024 Petabytes » 1048576 TB » 1073741824 GB » 1099511627776 MB » 1125899906842624 KB » 11522921504606846976 Bytes » 9223372036854775808 Bits.

Make Your Windows Fast As Never Before

Disable CD Autorun

( WinXP PRO Only)

1) Click Start, Run and enter GPEDIT.MSC

2) Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System.

3) Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off and modify it as you desire.

Speed Up Browsing
When you connect to a web site your computer sends information back and forth. Some of this information deals with resolving the site name to an IP address, the stuff that TCP/IP really deals with, not words. This is DNS information and is used so that you will not need to ask for the site location each and every time you visit the site. Although Windows XP and Windows XP have a pretty efficient DNS cache, you can increase its overall performance by increasing its size. You can do this with the registry entries below:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Make a new text file and rename it to dnscache.reg. Then copy and paste the above into it and save it. Merge it into the registry.

Indexing Services is a small little program that uses large amounts of RAM and can often make a computer endlessly loud and noisy. This system process indexes and updates lists of all the files that are on your computer. It does this so that when you do a search for something on your computer, it will search faster by scanning the index lists. If you don’t search your computer often, or even if you do search often, this system service is completely unnecessary. To disable do the following:

1. Go to Start

2. Click Settings

3. Click Control Panel

4. Double-click Add/Remove Programs

5. Click the Add/Remove Window Components

6. Uncheck the Indexing services

7. Click Next

Windows XP can look sexy but displaying all the visual items can waste system resources. To optimize:

1.Go to Start

2. Click Settings

3. Click Control Panel

4. Click System

5. Click Advanced tab

6. In the Performance tab click Settings

7. Leave only the following ticked:

- Show shadows under menus

- Show shadows under mouse pointer

- Show translucent selection rectangle

- Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop

- Use visual styles on windows and buttons

You may have noticed that everytime you open my computer to browse folders that there is a slight delay. This is because Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers everytime you open Windows Explorer. To fix this and to increase browsing significantly:

1. Open My Computer

2. Click on Tools menu

3. Click on Folder Options

4. Click on the View tab.

5. Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check box

6. Click Apply

7. Click Ok

8. Reboot your computer

Your desktop background consumes a fair amount of memory and can slow the loading time of your system. Removing it will improve performance.

1. Right click on Desktop and select Properties

2. Select the Desktop tab

3. In the Background window select None

4. Click Ok

Because Windows XP has to be all things to all people it has many services running that take up system resources that you will never need. Below is a list of services that can be disabled on most machines:



Computer Browser

Distributed Link Tracking Client

Fast User Switching

Help and Support – (If you use Windows Help and Support leave this enabled)

Human Interface Access Devices

Indexing Service

IPSEC Services


Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security)

Portable Media Serial Number

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security)

Remote Procedure Call Locator

Remote Registry (disabled for extra security)

Remote Registry Service

Secondary Logon

Routing & Remote Access (disabled for extra security)


SSDP Discovery Service – (Unplug n’ Pray will disable this)



Upload Manager

Universal Plug and Play Device Host

Windows Time

Wireless Zero Configuration (Do not disable if you use a wireless network)


To disable these services:

Go to Start and then Run and type “services.msc”

Doubleclick on the service you want to change

Change the startup type to ‘Disable”

Although not strictly a performance tweak I love this fix as it makes my machine ‘feel’ faster. I hate the annoying ‘are you sure?’ messages that XP displays, especially if I have to use a laptop touchpad to close them. To remove these messages:

1. Right-click on the ‘Recycle Bin’ on the desktop and then click ‘Properties’

2. Clear the ‘Display Delete Confirmation Dialog’ check box and click ‘Ok’

If you do accidently delete a file don’t worry as all is not lost. Just go to your Recycle Bin and ‘Restore’ the file.

Garisan Tapak Tangan

1. Garis Kehidupan
Garis bertanda nombor 1 ini adalah berkaitan dengan kehidupan kamu. Semakin IA panjang Dan terang garisnya, semakin baik maksudnya. Dikatakan seseorang itu akan panjang jangka hayatnya jika mempunyai garis yang sedemikian lebih-lebih lagi jika garisnya mencecah hingga ke penghujung.

2. Garis kecergasan
Garis bertanda nombor 2 ini pula bersangkutan dengan tahap pemikiran Dan keupayaan kamu untuk berjaya ke peringkat tinggi. Misalnya seorang pelajar, jika IA jelas, terang Dan lurus, IA memperlihatkan bahawa kamu seorang yang bekerja keras untuk berjaya dalam pelajaran Dan kamu berupaya untuk belajar dengan lebih gigih.. Bagi kamu, setiap kejayaan perlu disertakan dengan usaha yang gigih. Tidak hairanlah orang yang mempunyai garis ini mampu menjejakkan kaki ke me nara gading tanpa sebarang masalah.

3. Garis hati/cinta
Garisan ini melambangkan perasaan Dan percintaan kamu. Sekiranya kamu mempunyai satu garis yang panjang Dan lurus, IA menunjukkan bahawa kamu setia dalam percintaan Dan mungkin hanya mengalami satu episod cinta saja. Manakala sekiranya garis itu putus-putus Dan terdapat cabang-cabang lain, ini menunjukkan kamu mungkin mempunyai beberapa pengalaman gagal dalam bercinta sebelum menemui cinta yang sejati. Malah jangan terkejut, Ada di antara kamu yang mempunyai garis putus-putus ini ‘ curang’ Dan menjalinkan hubungan cinta dengan lebih daripada seorang gadis/jejaka dalam masa yang sama! 

4. Garis kejayaan
Cuba kamu perhatikan garis yang bertanda nombor 4 ini. Adakah IA terdiri daripada satu garis sahaja? Kadangkala terdapat sesetengah orang yang mempyai dua atau lebih garisan ini. Dikatakan mereka ini bakal memperolehi kejayaan cemerlang dalam dua kerjaya atau apa juga yang diceburi oleh mereka nanti, mengikut garis yang terpamer di telapak tangan kamu itu.

5. Garis matahari ( Sun line)
Bukan semua orang yang mempunyai garis ini yang kelihatan dengan begitu jelas Dan nyata. Sekiranya kamu mempunyai garisan sedemikian, IA menunjukkan kamu akan menjadi kaya Dan terkenal dalam kehidupan kamu. Sebab itulah, Ada orang yang mampu meraih kejayaan dalam dua bidang yang dilakukan dalam masa yang sama. Ini kerana sudah tersurat bahawa mereka ini mudah mendapat kejayaan.

6. Garis kesihatan
Sama seperti garis kehidupan, sebaik garisan adalah yang kelihatan jelas, lurus Dan tidak putus-putus. Sekiranya garis ini putus-putus, ini menunjukkan tahap kesihatan kamu tidak begitu baik. Begitu juga sebaliknya.

7. Garis perkahwinan
Sekiranya garisan itu membentuk bulatan menghala ke arah kanan hingga ke tapak tangan, kamu diramalkan bakal mempunyai sebuah perkahwinan yang kekal Dan bahagia selama-lamanya. Perkahwinan wujud hanya sekali saja dalam hidup kamu. Tiada lagi yang kedua Dan seterusnya…

8. Garis bilangan anak
Setiap orang pasti ingin atau menyimpan hasrat untuk memiliki cahaya Mata sendiri bila tiba masanya nanti. Berapa orang anakkah yang kamu inginkan? Tidakkah kamu perlu mengetahuinya? Apa yang perlu kamu lakukan ialah dengan mengira berapa banyak garisan halus Dan pendek yang kamu miliki Dan IA sebenarnya mewakili jumlah bakal anak kamu nanti. Misalnya kamu mendapat terdapat empat garisan Dan ini bermakna jumlah anak kamu nanti ialah empat orang.

9. Garis perjalanan
Adakah kamu ini seorang yang sukakan sesuatu kehidupan yang mencabar, suka merantau atau melawat tempat-tempat asing? Sudah tentunya kamu ini mempunyai garisan perjalanan yang cukup jelas Dan terang, seperti yang dinyatakan pada garisan bernombor 9. Tidak hairanlah sekiranya kamu ini juga suka hidup berpindah-randah Dan mudah bosan dengan sesuatu tempat.

10. Garis kewangan
Setiap orang semestinya mengimpikan kehidupan yang sempurna Dan bahagia. Tentu sekali IA mudah dicapai jika mempunyai kewangan yang kukuh. Bagi kamu yang memiliki garisan bernombor 10 ini dengan jelas Dan terang, dikatakan kamu mampu memperolehi Wang yang banyak melalui pekerjaan yang kamu lakukan itu.

11. Garis pergelangan tangan
Cuba kamu perhatikan pada pergelangan tangan kamu di sebelah dalamnya. Terdapat garis-garis seolah-olah gelang kan ? Diramalkan, setiap garis membentuk gelang itu mewakili 25 tahun jangka hayat kamu. Kira saja berapa gelang yan gkamu Ada Dan ramalkan jumlah hayat kamu sendiri! Tapi awas! Jangan terlalu percaya sangat…. Ajal Dan maut di tangan Tuhan kan ?

Monday 27 February 2012



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