Tuesday 5 June 2012

Gemstones - According To Rasi

After careful analysis and with my research how Gemstones will effect the human beings according to their respective rasi. My results show that more than 60 percent of satisfied clients reported that they are benefited with my recommendations. In this connection I suggest any person who likes to wear the Gemstone according to Rasi; I strongly recommend that the natal chart should also be considered for deriving extra benefits.


The sub Gems are Loc Onyx and Lal Hank. The color of the coral is red. It reduces the evil effects of Kuja Dosha. The suitable time for wearing the Coral is Tuesday at the time of The Lord of this rasi is Kuja. Persons belonging to this rasi have to wear Coral. Sun rise. The metal to be used is either copper or silver. After the ring is made, it has to be cleaned with pure milk.


The Lord of this rasi is Sukra. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Diamond or sub gems are Opel.The color of Diamond is white and very shining. It reduces the evil effects of Sukra and the positive ones are they will posses financial and domestic happiness. The suitable day for wearing the ring is Friday. The gem has to be purified with milk and the ring has to be made of gold metal only.


The Lord of this sign is Budha. Persons belonging to this rasi may wear Emerald and sub gems are Firoz and onyx. The gem is greenish in color. It reduces the negative effects of Budh.It helps for the development of business, peace of mind and guard the health. The suitable day for wearing the Gem is Wednesday at the time of sun rise. Before wearing the stone has to be purified with milk and water and it be made of gold metal only.


The Lord of the sign is moon. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Pearl and it is while in color. It reduces the negative effects of Chandra graha. It produces peace of mind and controls mental tension. The pearl has to be purified with pure milk and the ring has to be made of silver only. The suitable day for wearing the ring is Monday at the time of sunrise.


The Lord of the sign is Ravi. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Ruby. It reduces the negative effects of Ravi graha Dosha. It produces financial gain from father and safeguards the health of the natives' father. It produces good health. Ruby after purifying with milk and pure water, the Gen has to be made of ring with silver metal only and to be worn on ring finger on Sunday at sunrise time.


The lord of the sign is Budha. Persons belong to this sign may wear genuine Green sapphire and she sub gems are Emerald or nix. The colour of the stone is green .It reduces the negative effects of Budha and develops financial improvement and guards health. The Gen before making into ring has to be purified with milk and water and the best metal is gold. The suitable day for wearing the ring is Wednesday at Sunrise time to the little finger.

TULA RASI: The lord of the sign is Sukra. Persons belonging to this sign may wear Diamond and sub Gems are Opel,. As it is white in color and it reduces the negative effects of Sukra graha Dosham. It produces good health and immense wealth. The diamond has to be purified with milk and water and the ring has to be made of gold metal only. The suitable day for wearing the same is Friday at the time of Sun rise.


The lord of the sign is Kuja. Persons belonging to this sing may wear Coral which is of reddish in color and the sub gem is Loc Onyx. It reduces the Kuja Dosha. It drives away any negative vibrations that may come to the wearer. The Coral has be purified with milk and water and the ring has to be made of silver. The best day for wearing the same is Tuesday at the sunrise time and to wear the same to ring finger only.


The Lord of the sign is Guru. Persons belong to this sing may wear yellow sapphire and the sub gem is Topaz. It is in yellow color. It reduces the Guru graham Dosham and helps the wearer to increase financially and good progress in education. The gem has to be purified with milk and ring has to be made of gold metal only. The suitable day for wearing the same is Thursday early hours to the point finger only.


The lord of the sign is Saturn.. Persons of this sign may wear Blue sapphire and sub gem is Blue spinal. It reduces the Saturn negative effects and guards' health and wealth and increases longevity. The gem has to be purified with milk and water and the best metal for making ring is silver. The best day for wearing the ring is Saturday sunrise time and to be worn on left hand second finger.


The lord of the sign is Saturn.. Persons of this sign may wear Blue sapphire and sub gem is Blue spinal. It reduces the Saturn negative effects and guards' health and wealth and increases longevity. The gem has to be purified with milk and water and the best metal for making ring is silver. The best day for wearing the ring is Saturday sunrise time and to be worn on left hand second finger.


The lord of the sign is Guru.. Persons belonging to this sign may war yellow sapphire and sub gems are Topaz or Citrine. It is in yellow color. It reduces the negative effects of Guru Graha Dosham and increases good in business, education and spiritual affairs. The gem has to be purified with milk and water and the metal to be used to make a ring is only gold. The suitable day for wearing the same is Thursday at Sunrise time and it be worn on point finger.

Picking Gems according to Date of Birth Picking Gems according to Date of Birth

If you are born in these dates, I hereunder give the Lord of the Number and ruling Star and I recommend the gems to wear.

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